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The dialogue truly feels more stale than NL

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Molianalex Xem danh sách
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Gia nhập: 02/9/20
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  Trích dẫn Molianalex Trích dẫn  Gửi trả lờiTrả lời Chuyển liên kết đến bài viết này Chủ đề: The dialogue truly feels more stale than NL
    Ngày gửi: 04/9/20 lúc 08:33
Yeah I arrived here expecting some shadow-dropped big upgrade, given the awards along with tens of acbells thousands of upvotes. I just feel kind of disappointed lol

I can see why folks love this game, but awards for this is a bit much.

I do not understand why I can construct waterfalls wherever I need yet, not with slopes. You're limited to 8. Just 8.

But"fake" slopes? Nah. Would be fine if we could get at least some half-height hoppity-hop steps or something. .

I have 2 slopes left but 4 places in mind and I can't decide. . So I guess it will just be like this forever and take a ladder everywhere

If they are not going to give us more slopes, I wish they would at least let us place ladders up against the side of cliffs so we can scale them without having to carry one around.

Yeah some people really liked how it had been glitched so it may be neat if they inserted a fresh rug/floor that did similar things with symbolizing the wall at the future but it kinda sucked for those who actually wanted to use that rug as ordinary.

They ought to at least make it so that if you talk to two villagers of the same character type in a row they won't supply you with the identical piece of conversation since the prior vlager did.

It's crazy how small dialogue is in this game compared to all of the past games. Like, it almost feels like the objective was to patch in dialog post-launch, but just forgot about it.

I think you just don't see it as much since they prioritise making your villagers talk about everything you have been up to, such as burying bells or digging up fossils.

It does? The dialogue truly feels more stale than buy Animal Crossing Items NL and I have played more than NH.
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